PEKIN AREA chamber of commerce

Join the Chamber - page 2

Great! We now have a better idea why you want to join the chamber. One more question and we'll show you the membership package that will provide you with the best value.


Click on one of the following two groups of statements that best describes how involved you'll be with the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce.

My employees and I want to network with other community leaders and we will regularly attend chamber events. We might volunteer to serve on committees and boards. We will be proactive members and take advantage of the chamber’s promotional opportunities.

- or -

Due to a lack of time we won’t be able to attend very many chamber events, if any. We will count on the chamber to reach out to us with promotional opportunities that will help us achieve our objectives.


If you have any questions, please contact the chamber staff at (309) 346-2106, or e-mail Bill Fleming.

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